Hester (47)
I wanted to try Yoga Therapy because I had been experiencing pain and discomfort in my lower back and hips for about 14 years, ever since my pregnancies. I hoped that Yoga Therapy could provide relief or even eliminate my symptoms. Additionally, for years, I had been experiencing severe digestive problems due to a bacterial infection. I was also looking for advice on "regular" yoga classes because not everything in those classes always felt good and some poses were even painful for me.
Working with Bettine felt very familiar. In terms of pain relief and resolving my symptoms, it has given me much more than I had expected beforehand. I had had some of the symptoms for so long that I didn't really expect any improvement. The sessions also provided stretching as well as relaxation for my muscles.
What I like is that I have learned to use "props" in yoga poses, which allows me to relax more in the poses and get more out of them. As a result, I now attend yoga classes with more confidence and less pain, because I know how to adjust poses when necessary and support myself.
In the sessions, you really work together with Bettine. She asks good questions, which helped me gradually learn which poses felt good or less good, but especially how I could use my breathing in different poses. It was great that Bettine always had a solution if something didn't feel good, and she would show me how to make adjustments. I learned that it is not necessary to push through the pain (which I had done a lot in yoga classes), and that I can just do it differently. I have learned to listen to my body more, and to use my breath effectively. I no longer feel like I have to stop or can't do something, instead I now know how to do it so that it feels good for my body.
What I appreciate about Bettine is that after the intake, she already had a very good understanding of me and what she needed to do to help me. This shows that she listens and observes, and it gives me confidence in what she does.
Jan (69)
I came to Bettine because of chronic hip and lower back pain. Bettine is relaxed and involved. She immediately makes you feel that you are in safe hands. Because of her genuine interest in me, it was easy to talk to her about how I was doing, not just physically, but also about how I felt. That was helpful for me, because I am not normally one for "therapy," but I noticed that I really looked forward to the sessions and always came out feeling more relaxed and with more peace of mind. Through working with Bettine, I not only started moving differently and more easily, but I also became more aware of my breathing and how I can use it in moments when I don't feel so good. Looking back, I can say that I am happier in life, with less physical pain, but also mentally a bit lighter. I wish everyone could work with Bettine.
Yildiz (47)
I came to Bettine because I didn't feel good, because my thyroid wasn't functioning properly. Because I had always benefited greatly from Bettine's yoga classes (at her yoga studio), I already had a lot of confidence in her knowledge and skills (yoga and movement-wise). For me, it couldn't have been a coincidence that I told another yoga teacher about my thyroid and she referred me to Bettine for Yoga Therapy.
Bettine sees everything. When I started yoga classes with her, she immediately noticed my hypermobility and gave me tips on how to handle it in class without putting too much strain on my joints. I really appreciated that. I have always danced, and in the 10 years that I had been taking yoga classes, no one had ever corrected me because my poses always looked good due to my dance background. With Bettine, I learned that poses didn’t just have to look "good," but they also had to remain functional and feel good, which made me feel better.
I had no idea what to expect, especially when it came to the "therapy" part. I think the interpretation of therapy varies for everyone. I was very open to it because I already enjoyed doing yoga. What I found very pleasant about the sessions was the calmness Bettine brought and the time she took for me. I never felt rushed, and somehow Bettine made sure there was always enough time. It was always okay to bring whatever was on my mind, and Bettine gave me exactly what I needed. Sometimes I could share more of my story, and other times the session was more physically intense, but it always felt right for me. Bettine silently provided structure in the sessions with talking, movement, relaxation exercises, and/or meditation. I always left with a very relaxed feeling because Bettine always took the time for me. It was relaxing and unhurried for me. I find that quite impressive because I know Bettine is very busy. I could completely let go of the clock because Bettine silently maintained the structure and kept track of time.
My biggest gain is that I could ask questions about movement in yoga poses, something I never did in regular classes. It feels very luxurious to be able to ask one-on-one if I'm doing it right or if a certain movement causes pain, and how I can do it differently. That's the direct benefit for me.
On a personal level, a lot was going on for me. I didn't want to see a psychologist, but I found it very comforting to discuss what was going on with Bettine during the sessions, even though that wasn't my initial goal at all. I thought I already knew a lot myself, but through the conversations with Bettine, I gained so many insights. A burden was lifted off my shoulders, and I gained confidence and peace of mind. Bettine is genuinely involved, listens without judgment, and maintains enough distance to avoid any awkwardness. I found the combination of movement and talking very pleasant - being physically active and having tools to help myself. I also appreciated the tips on integrating certain exercises into my daily routine because I've noticed that it leads to lasting results, and I've found ways to relax and let go of tension even outside of the sessions with Bettine when I feel the need.
Astrid (40)
I started Yoga therapy with Bettine because I wanted to integrate more softness into my body and my life, alongside the strength training I do. Additionally, I had experienced olfactory distortions after having COVID-19, and I felt that yoga could help with the stiffness and pain in my back.
I found the sessions with Bettine to be very pleasant. I enjoyed the opportunity to learn one-on-one what works well for me and which exercises are beneficial. I now do my exercises on average four mornings a week, and I've noticed that it helps me start my days more relaxed, and loose. During the sessions, we frequently practiced specific exercises together, which allowed me to perform those exercises safely and with full confidence on my own. These exercises still help me relax when I need to.
I really appreciate Bettine's energy. She exudes calmness, which is also reflected in her voice. My biggest gain is that I've been able to integrate yoga into my life in my own way, and I no longer feel stiff. I now have the tools to release tension and stress, which helps me feel relaxed both physically and mentally. I no longer experience olfactory distortions after COVID-19, and I don't have any back pain during my strength training sessions.
I would definitely recommend working with Bettine if you're feeling out of sorts, physically stiff, or if you can't find what you're looking for in regular yoga classes. Yoga Therapy has helped me learn about yoga and what suits me. The combination of my home practice and strength training now feels like a beautiful balance that helps me maintain overall well-being.
Diederik (62)
Rehabilitation after a recurring back injury and recent heart surgery were the main reasons for me to start Yoga Therapy with Bettine. Due to my heart surgery and my back problems, I had lost confidence in my body and was almost afraid to move. I stopped attending group yoga classes, which I used to enjoy and feel good about.
I knew Bettine as a yoga teacher at her studio, so working with her one-on-one quickly felt very familiar. When you enter Bettine's space, everything feels right. She is genuinely interested and has extensive knowledge. From the beginning, this gave me a lot of confidence and made me feel safe and comfortable. She not only knows a lot about yoga and the human body, but her way of asking questions, her easy analysis, and the way she involves you in her approach to finding solutions, make working with her very pleasant. She asks questions without making you feel interrogated, she listens, provides explanations, is structured, and verbalizes her thought process. She holds up a mirror to you. She tells you what she sees without judgment.
Bettine has been incredibly helpful in my rehabilitation period, and she also assisted in communicating with my neurologist to gain clarity about my (back) problems. I didn't want to go to a physiotherapist because I was afraid of being pushed into certain movements. What I found great about working with Bettine was that I didn't have to do anything that didn't feel right for me. Gradually, she helped me regain trust in my body by letting me experience what I could do, what felt good, which allowed me to become more and more daring. Now I'm no longer afraid to move or worry that a certain movement will cause pain, and I no longer avoid certain movements.
My biggest gain from working with Bettine is that I have regained my mobility and I'm living without pain for the first time in years. I have regained trust in my body. My mindset has also changed. I now realize how important flexibility is and that I can grow older without fear, pain, or tension. I dare to do "ordinary" things again, like bending down and picking things up. I can't imagine not doing that anymore. The dark thoughts I sometimes had are completely gone. Working with Bettine truly woke me up and helped me make better choices for myself. I have a fundamentally different approach to life, both physically and mentally. Nothing is a problem anymore; I can handle anything.Top of Form
Health issues that Yoga Therapy can help with:
Muscle and joint conditions, such as osteoarthritis, hypermobility, and back pain.
Cardiovascular diseases, such as high blood pressure, heart rhythm disorders, and post-heart surgery recovery.
Respiratory conditions, such as asthma, chronic lung disease (COPD), hyperventilation, post-COVID-19 recovery, and long COVID-19.
Neurological conditions, such as migraines, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, and fibromyalgia.
Digestive complaints, such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), constipation, and bloating.
Hormone-related issues, such as premenstrual syndrome (PMS), pregnancy or postnatal concerns, menopausal symptoms, and fertility problems.
Immune system-related conditions, such as autoimmune diseases and diabetes.
Recovery after cancer or support during cancer treatment.
Mental health issues, such as burnout, stress, anxiety and panic attacks, and trauma.
Enhancing your existing yoga practice or developing a safe "home" practice.
In summary, whether it's reducing chronic pain, recovering from burnout, getting more benefits from your current yoga practice, or addressing any other health concerns, I invite you to explore the possibilities and discuss how Yoga Therapy can support you.